Friday, August 9, 2013

Angel with Broken Wings

This is a new poem that I wrote.  I hope people like it.

Started off by having the chorus from the song, "Same Love"from Macklemore in my head....

I can't change...even if I tried....
Even if I wanted too...

And it all flowed from there:

And if society has outcasted me
Why not me be...just me?
Because being me sometimes still
frightens me
A small part of me
Still yearns to live normally
But inevitably, this side of me
will die slowly
Along with the outdated, antiquated
mores and folkways
of yesterday.

I can't have a family at 40
I can't write a screenplay?
I have to define my sexuality
with one word?
I can't use my
overly literal analytical
skills for good?

Who says I have to change?
Because I can't...even if I tried
And at times, I WANT to...
shove that crayon back into my brain like Homer...

I want to like babies and hair
cooking and sewing
makeup and clothing
because my vagina tells me I should
wish I had more attention to pay
because the price I pay by being this way
is too great some days...
It keeps family, friends, and lovers
at bay
while I stay in my hideaway
the bubble built for myself
to recover from the stress of the world
And nobody understands why I
can read dogs and children...but
adult humans are another breed of animal

Sick of hiding
Sick of fighting
sick of biting my tongue
sick of providing another explanation
as to why I am me.
I accept and love everyone as they are...
What an amazing thing..
All I ask is the same
All I expect is to be left alone.

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